Pregnancy is the most beautiful phase of every woman's life whether it's her pregnancy,second,third and so on....Not only a tiny human being is growing inside her,a whole new world of love and challenges are waiting for her.So it is the moral duty of everyone to pamper and praise het at utmost so that she can cherish this nine months for whole life.
There are the few things which I listed a woman should do before baby arrival.I am first time mommy so I think one should know about all these things so that it can help other would be mommies.There are so many bloggers who already mentioned the essential about mommy to be but this is my version which I think is very necessary.
1. Routine check up
2.Daily Dose of vitamins
3.Register yourself for prenatal yoga or in gym
4.Eat wisely
5.Be with your partner
6.Baby Moon
7.Maternity photo shoot
8.Develop Hobby
10.Talk to your baby
Routine Check Up: Every time go for regular checkup to doctor's clinic,never miss the date of your doctor's visit,sonogram and other examination.Its not only about you but about your baby's well being also.Follow each and every advice of your doctor because she is one who knows your body and your baby's condition inside out.Whatever queries,doubts
and any misconceptions you have or some agony aunt advice you some weird thing,She is one who will guide you correctly about everything.When I was pregnant I never miss any of y appointment with the doctor,done with all the blood related,took all the injections though I'm highly afraid of them and every sonogram.She is one who supports and guide me at every step and always solved my query and doubt,give me the best advise she can.
And one thing more I would like to include here that please don't google too much about your signs or symptoms about the test which doctor ask you to perform.This happened with me as I was in my early 30's when I got pregnant and doctor told me to do this NT(Nuchal Translucency)Test.I didn't discuss much about it with doctor and googled about the test,google shares the information in wider perspective I got so tensed after reading about the test and started crying,those three days were like hell for me everybody was saying nothing is going to happen everything will be fine but I got relaxed after getting the reports and doctor advice not to google much more.
Daily Dose of Vitamins:
Daily take all your supplements whether you are liking it or not. They are very essentials for you and growing baby. Doctor prescribed me with hormonal tablets , Iron , Folic acid and calcium doses. I felt super nostalgic after taking iron tablets. My first trimester experience was not good.I am hyper emesis gravidrum , so whatever I gulp inside , within few minutes it comes out . Coming back to topic.
Hormonal Tablets : If your hormone counts are less , Doctor will put you on hormonal therapy, which is not only good for you but helps in the development of baby and in some cases avoid miscarriages.
Iron and Folic acid : To reduce the risk of anemia in pregnant lady. Iron deficient or anamia in pregnant ladies increases the risk of complications such as :
Premature birth
Low birth weight baby
Calcium : Pregnant lady requires calcium because baby needs calcium to build strong bones and teeth. Calcium helps your baby grow healthy heart , nerves and muscles as well as develop normal heart rhythm and fighting blood clotting abilities.
Calcium can reduce your risk of hypertension and predampsia and if you don't get enough calcium in your diet when you are pregnant , your baby will drain it from your bone which may impair your own health.
Register yourself for Prenatal Yoga/ Exercise
Be active during pregnancy as you were earlier. Pregnancy is not any illness. It's a a beautiful journey of woman towards the mommy hood. You can register yourself for any form of exercises like pilates which is very famous form nowadays,prenatal yoga,walk or anything in which you are comfortable but most importantly you have to take permission from your doctor and perform under professional trainer who has the proper knowledge of prenatal exercise and yoga .Walk is the best form of exercise you can do if you don't have any access to any other facilities but it should be brisk walk not the sprint.There are so many benefits of exercise which also i have listed down:
1.Good Sleep
2.Boost your energy and stamina
3.Eases back pain
4.Reduce the stress.
5.You get back easily and faster into pregnancy shape.
Eat Wisely: "Never Eat For Two" Those who say this only misguiding us,have whatever you were eating earlier only but one thing you have to do is to eat more healthy and nutritious food and eat in portions.
During pregnancy you have to increase the intake of fruits,vegetables and legumes.
Have daily dose of soaked dry fruits.
Coconut water is also very good during pregnancy.
Have a proper glass of milk daily with protein powder in it.
During my pregnancy days i used to have only home cooked food as much as possible the reason is im hyperacidic that time so cant tale much of outside food though i love too,but whenever possible i had it but during day time only as in after if i had something outside i'll puke out everything so that why i preferred homemade food but in depends on woman to woman didn' t have any issues and they gulped down whatever they want to have and i always drooled after seeing my friends during that time.
whenever you go outside for doctor visit or mall it is always advisable to carry your tiffin (dabba) with you.So that you will get less exposed to outside food,if you're comfortable with outside eating go for it and have whatever you like and want but be moderate in your portion never do overeating it can cause bloating or acidity which is not good for you.But please make sure you satisfied all your cravings whether its chocolate,icecream or pani puri it reduces your stress.
Be with your partner :
Pregnancy is a great balance in life. It brings out the worst mood swing in a wife and the best levels of tolerance in a husband.
Being with your partner helps you in making your bond stronger. He will also gradually learn his responsibilites towards you and your baby. A baby wants mother but he needs a father too. Always take your partner with you for the doctor's visit and sonogram so he will also witness the small life glowing insideyou and this helps him getting emotionally attached towards baby.
This is the time when he will fulfill all your demands , don't mind your mood swings and handle you with utmost care and lovebut please don't throw the unneccessary tantrums as he is also going through emotional and mental ups and downs. As suddenly from boy to husband and then becoming father is also not easy for him.
In my case I didn't stay with my partner after 4 monthsas I have some complications and he has to travel a lot , so I shift my base to my mother's place so that they can take care of me and I also get good company of people around. I enjoyed every bit of my mine at my mother's place but really missed him and his presence. He always make sure he will be there around for every sonography or doctor visit ( which is not possible) but every month he used to visit me and pampered me a lot with gifts and all.
But yes we both miss each others presence. In my opinion , you should always be with your partner during this wonderful period.
Baby Moon :
A baby moon is a relaxing vacation taken by couples who are expecting a child. One should definitely go for baby moon because it's the last time you are going as a couple before becoming parents. But one should be properly planning their baby moon. Couple usually go for baby moon during the second trimester of pregnancy where there is no complications and pre-term birth risk is at lowest.
Before going to baby moon , you should check with your Doctor that you are ready and fit to travel . Take proper medical fitness certificate from her and then travel. If you are going by flight , then some airlies require your medical fitness certificate.
Plan a proper vacation as per your condition. Book a hotel and car in advance so you will not have any problems after reaching your destination. If possible book a luxurious hotel for yourself where they have facility of SPA , swimming and other outdoor activites, so that you can pamper yourseves and relax there. Spend quality time with your partner . Discuss all future plans for your baby arrival so that you will get to know each other more better and that will help you in making your bond stronger, not only as a couple but also as a parent.
Maternity Photoshoot :
Both baby moon and maternity photo shoot theme come from the west but are now very popular in India also.Best Time to do shoot is 36 or 37th week of your pregnancy when your baby bump is showing more promptly.But try to take the pictures of every week if possible so that you can see the difference in yourself and how beautifully your bump is growing and make the soft copy so whenever you can want you can relive the moment gain and again.Before selecting the photographer for photo shoot you should keep all this points in your mind and do tha advance preparation of everything on your D day everything will go smoothly
1. Theme based
2. Budget
3. Experience
4. Candid shots
5. Soft copy and hard copy
6. Dress
Develop a Hobby: Develop a hobby during pregnancy helps you to keep your mind active and you come to know the creative side of yourself and enhance your baby's development also.You can try your hands in learning music,solving puzzles,painting and cooking whatever you like.During my pregnancy days i started coloring i found this adult book of coloring and got sketch pens and pencils colors and starts coloring,it helps as a stress buster for me and whenever i got bored or negative thoughts try to overcome me i just start coloring.I like cooking but during my pregnancy i got this urge from inside to start cooking some scrumptious dishes for myself and family so i just googled and search videos on you tube and tried my hands on cooking and sometimes it really turns out well.After having baby we didnt get much time fot outing so now also i am doing my experiments on my poor husband.

Read: If you are a reader than you will get ample time to read during pregnancy whatever you like to read just read,according to Garbh Sanskar ,it is beileved that reading educative books during pregnancy will pass on the wisdom to the child.
Talk to your Baby: The most popular ways to communicate with your baby is caressing,talking and singing.You should talk to baby daily about your routine,your family,food and what special you did on that day.Tell your baby daily that you love her/him and always there to protect him/her and how happy you are to have him/her in your life.Communicating to baby stimulate their senses and contribute to their mental and physical growth. We all know about Krishna and Abhimanyu story in Subhadra's womb he learnt the strategy how to break the chakravuyh.So talking to your baby not only stimulate the senses but also make your bond strong with your baby.
This is all from my side i tried to complied all the things which i learnt during my pregnancy,hope this help would be mommies.If you have anything new to add please feel free to pour suggestions.
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